“Weber dental labor”
- 2015.12.12
- 【2:診療について】

しかし、今日本の歯科技工士の現状は、就労5年以内離職率が約8割と言われ、 技工士の確保が切実となっています。
ドイツ、スイス、オーストリアなどでは技工士は大変地位が高く、皆から尊敬される職業です。 チュービンゲン大学では大学の一番景色の良い空間にラボがあり、 皆笑顔で仕事をしていました。
この一言で、決めました。 なぜ今まで気付かなかったんだろう・・・
それからは、皆が押し進めてくれたかのように、技工所の場所が決まり、 そこで働いてくださる優秀な歯科技工士も決まりました。
技工所の名前は、ドイツチュービンゲン大学のWeber教授の相談をさせていただいたところ、 機能・審美・精度・テレスコープ・インプラントの意味を兼ね備えた名前、メルセデスベンツの三つの矢のようなイメージを考えて欲しいと提案いただきました。
“Weber dental labor”はいかがでしょうか。
Inaba Dental Office specializes in the German “telescopic” system for dentures, which requires very advanced technical skill.
However, it has become very hard to hire dental technicians in Japan today, and it has been reported that 80% of new dental technicians quit their job within 5 years.
In Germany, dental technician is a very highly regarded and respected profession.
At Tuebingen University, the lab has the best view of the entire university, and the technicians work with a smile on their faces.
I visited many other labs, and found them all very stylish and impressive.
“If only we had labs like these in Japan,”
I thought.
And then, one night…
I was grumbling about how troublesome it is that there are so few dental technician’s labs in Japan that can make the telescope system.
Then, my husband Ken said:
“Well, why don’t you open one, Yuri?”
And just like that, I made up my mind.
Why did I not realize it sooner?
I consulted with my dad, who said he would give me his full support.
After that, it was as if everyone gave me a helpful push along the way.
The location for the lab was decided, and we hired dental technicians to work there.
I asked Dr Weber who is a Professor of Tuebingen University,to have a name of my lab.
He said that I should give some information what “function/esthetics/precision”is related to.
I worked hard spending the last night about creating any suitable lab name including three arrows, Function/Esthetics/Precision, like Mercedes Star.
I thought its name should be compact in a nutshell but conveys all above.
Difficult to finalize, but may I propose my idea to Dr.Weber.
That is, may be a name that holds entire integrity of Function, Esthetics, Precision, Implant, and Telescopic system, that is,
“Weber dental labor”!
I cannot find any more clear-cut inspiration to our world.
Dr.Weber said:
“Thank you so much for your last mail, which impressed me a lot. It would be an outstanding and unique honour for me, to find my name somewhere in your lab design/advertisement. – This means, that I do agree to your idea and that I thank you so much for this great honour. “
My father also enjoys the idea!
We are currently at the stage of ordering designs and going through procedures for importing workbenches from Germany Although Japan has top-level dental technology, the work environment is bad, and everyone goes away to other countries.
I am only one person, but I want to do what I can to change the current situation for technicians in Japan, by recreating the labs I saw in Germany.
To me, opening a dental technology lab is more meaningful than opening a dental office.
Our goal is to establish a company by the end of this year.
I think the lab will be finished
Wish me luck, everyone!
わたしについて About me 2015.12.10
Silent Auction/サイレント・オークション 2015.12.15